Edward James III
“Relational change is a process and not an event”
Edward is an Arizona licensed and clinically trained social worker and marriage and family therapist engaging in emotional growth of individuals and couples. Individuals and couples need to trust the professionalism and integrity of a relational therapist, in order to see the possibilities of growth and stability.
Edward concentrates on the strengths clients present to enhance their recovery and assist with lifelong learning about relationships. He concentrates with men of color who may present unique challenges with discovery of their relational communication strategies. Edward also concentrates in premarital consultation with couples seeking relationship stability. Relational stability is often gain with the introduction of relational tools and the ability to practice between sessions. Again, “relational change in a process and not an event”.
The challenges of seeking individual and marital therapy may be unique and you may feel “nobody has ever felt this way”. Recovery is about discovery and Edward welcomes you to reach out and explore the possibilities of relational stability.